Saturday, July 25, 2009

The question of Kroot

Alright so aside from basing my tau and some clean up work on them the tau them selves are more or less done. Now the question ....what should I paint the kroot? At first I wasnt going to even bother with them, with the mind set that they were not so much worth fielding however after reading blogs and my own personal pondering. They may in fact be worth the time of day ( such as putting them in transports for use as scoring units while my fire warriors would be better used else where. As far as I have seen in the rule book or codex there is nothing that says they cant go into a devilfish, heck there isnt even a counts as two note on the krootox.)

So what am I asking here? Well its sort of two fold. One is for those with experiance playing tau and is how would you best utilize the kroot? The other is for any one out there and it is what color scheme should I paint them? I want them to be a bit diffrent from my Tau but not so diffrent as there to be such a color variant as for them to look like two seperate armys. Im thinking possibly a combination of Regal blue and a yellow or tan of some sort. Anyway post your thoughts. Thanks


  1. I'd go with some more matt and less vibrant blue to give the leather straps or whatnot a bluish leather feel. Do the the "spikey hair" (don't worry, that is a highly technical term and not gibberish) bits in a stronger blue that ties more in with the rest of the army.

    Maybe a gray/green/brown skin on the kroots with a hint of blue (blue wash?)? Could be nice and neat, or look dreadful, so be prepared to redo it if it turns bad:)

    Whatever you do, don't go for yellow :)

  2. Hmmmmm not a bad idea.Look for a test model to come soon (read when i acctually get off my ass and decide to do it.)

  3. The Tau is, for lack of a better word, very alien to me. I haven't looked at them much myself yet, so I am very much looking forward to see how it works out for you. So more pictures please :) And don't forget to put a fire warrior next to the Kroot for insta comparison :)

  4. A couple of things about Kroot (painting and playing) that I have picked up from others around me:

    *You can give them stripes of "warpaint" that match one of your main Tau colors to help them blend with the Army

    *I gave each of my kroot a single shoulder pad, and painted it to look like my firewarriors' color scheme.

    *Hounds are essential to a Kroot squad.

    *You can get two big units of kroot for cheap, and you can use them to screen your suits and other shooty units. As long as most of the kroot are in woods, the whole unit will get their super-cover-save, and you can just block off whole sections of the board by spacing the kroot out.

    *Against non-assault oriented armies, or full-strength Marine or other good troops, your kroot can make an effective counter-assault unit, or objective taker (once you shoot most the enemy off of the objective, attack it with the kroot...especially if the objective is in the woods).

    *The general sentiment is Kroot are a much more solid troops choice than firewarriors.

    That is about all I can think. I don't really play with my little bitty (500 pt.) Tau army.

  5. Thank you for the very useful information Lord Captain Valentine. It gives me quite a bit to think about ( and see if I can scrap some cash together for some hounds and contemplate making some woods terain pieces, honestly they should give kroot stealth and move through cover whenever they decide to release a new codex for them) I'm still fiddling around with the test model so pics might take a little longer then i anticipated so please be patient with me.
