Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Painting experements ( insert evil doctor music here)

Alright as stated in my previous post I was wondering how I should go about painting my Kroot. After much simple green washing , testing and beer I came up with something I like , but as I want to impart my knowledge to those who have an interest in this blog I will share my process and my conclusions on them.

The final choice first. Hawk turqious with a heavy asurman blue wash: If I was to compare the end result (pics will come) I would say the skin tone is like that of the WH fantasy lizard man color and for the kroot it acctually looks mighty good as an alternative to the typical brownish tanish look on the Tau box.

Flex's suggestion green using blue wash: A good idea that just didnt quite work for me or turned out the way i planed the problem i would guess is that green and blue are so close in color that the blue was just dosnt seem to take as well as I would have hoped, HOWEVER it seems like a great means of doing slightly darker shades of green and might work for those playing orks.

Gray with blue wash: kinda the same as the one above it just wasnt turning out the way i hoped it would.

Gray with Ogryn flesh wash: this will be going on the belly portion of the kroot it gives a nice flesh tone that seems to work well. A tip for those folks who hate painting faces.Ogryn flesh is an excellent wash to use over tallaran flesh foundation paint.


  1. Any chance you saved the "test" subjects for some picture goodies? :)

  2. Oh of course, I should post some up shortly.
